Sunday, August 13, 2006

So English it's frightening

Sophie Victoria Lily arrived at 11.29 am on Thursday, August 10th. She's quite lovely but I am her mother and therefore honourbound to say that. But even if she wasn't mine I'd still say it. She's the image of a newborn Saoirse, just leaner and with more hair. She's 8 lbs. and 20". When they held her up I said how tiny she was, I figured she only weighed about 6 lbs. The moment they pulled her head out she started screaming and has done so quite often since. I asked for a dummy as she sucked for 4 solid hours from 2-6 am the first night and then again from 11.30-3 on the 11th. It helped, as she slept way better. I did not. I figure I have slept 9 of the last 88 hours. So needless to say I am fairly miserable at the moment. I spent an hour crying at the hospital and they wanted me to stay another night because of it. Ah no thank you. I am sure that the health nurse will bring it up when she comes by tomorrow. I have much more to post about the whole experience but will leave it for another day.


Sandra said...

Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! I hope that you will soon feel better and get some rest.

Jen said...

Congrats!!! She is beautiful!! I am STILL pregnant. LOL. :O)
Hope you feel better soon...!!

Emmakirst said...

Oh she's gorgeous, Congratulations!!!!! Glad everything went well and I love her name :) Hope you get some much needed sleep soon.

Paige said...

she is beautiful Emma. Congratulations.

alissa said...

How fantastic!! Mazel-Tov!! (Congratulations) She's gorgeous!

Emma in Canada said...

Thanks everyone. We are enjoying her an awful lot.