Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I knew I'd figure out how to take my own blood pressure

...after I called a nurse of course. It is good to have friends with proper jobs, you know.

I tried taking my blood pressure yesterday, but I believe I mentioned that the results I got would have meant I was dead.

I did it tonight, without the help of my lovely daughter, Taylor, who tried to cut off all blood flow below my elbow with how tightly she did up the cuff.

I got 142/88, which is slightly higher than what it was last week, and much higher than my normal. Shelley suggests that I head over to London Drugs tomorrow to have it taken again, where it will probably be more accurate. Is she saying she doubts my blood pressure reading abilities? I think she is. But they do have the funky little chair with the mechanical cuff so I guess I'll go do it. If it is anywhere close to what I have gotten then I am to call my doctor's office and tell them all about it and the headaches. Nurses sure can be bossy.

It's a good thing I didn't mention the pulsating in my nether regions that I have been having all afternoon and evening. I don't even want to get started on what that is.


Paige said...

Go have that taken! I hope everything is ok, and it will be.

Emmakirst said...

Dont forget i'm a nurse too, lol. i'm sure your reading is close to the actual, but for fun check it out there, but call your dr. if its still elevated along w/ headaches.
Hope it gets lost soon for you. :)

i pray my 4 yr old doesnt lose it like my last 2 did, ugh.

Boliath said...

Sounds like trip to get it checked is only sensible and we all signed that sensiblity contract when we became Mums, so off you go now...

(Hope all is well, let us know ok?)